- 14-2008
- 15-2008
- 16-2008
- 16-2013 Emergency Preparedness Plan
- 17-2008
- 18-2008
- 2011 BUDGET public hearing notice
- 25-2010
- CHAPT-01 General Provisions
- CHAPT-05 Civil Action Against Town
- CHAPT-06.95 Defense Town Employ
- CHAPT-09 Code of Ethics
- CHAPT-16 Officers & Employees
- CHAPT-17 Appearance Tickets
- CHAPT-18. Personnel Policies
- CHAPT-19 Drug and Alcohol
- CHAPT-24 Salaries and Compensation
- CHAPT-30, Public Assemblies
- CHAPT-36 Bingo
- CHAPT-41 Burials and Burial Grounds
- CHAPT-43 Deposit Tracking
- CHAPT-44. Dog Control
- CHAPT-45 Exemption for Cold War Veterans
- CHAPT-47.Environmental Quality
- CHAPT-48 Sewer Installation & Uses
- CHAPT-49 Property Maintenance Code
- CHAPT-50 Fire Prevention
- CHAPT-51 Flood Damage Prevention
- CHAPT-52 Games of Chance
- CHAPT-53 Admin & Enforce NYS Uniform Fire Prev & Bldg Code
- CHAPT-57. Hawkers, Peddlers & Solicitors
- CHAPT-64 Mobile Homes & Trailers
- CHAPT-68 Noise Control
- CHAPT-75 Sex Offender
- CHAPT-77. Snowmobiles
- CHAPT-79 Subdivision Regulations
- CHAPT-80 Streets and Sidewalks
- Chapt-81 Unsafe Buildings Law
- Chapt-84-Taxation
- CHAPT-89.- Vehicles and Traffic
- CHAPT-93-Zoning
- Investment Policy. 95
- Planned Unit Development Guide
- PREFACE & Certification
- Public Meeting
- Public Notice 32-2010
- Purchasing Policy
- Resolution 11-1999 Emergency Preparedness Plan
- Resolution 23-2010
- Resolution 5-1999, Harassment
- Town of Windsor - Hwy Construction Standards