Available Now: 2024 Final Assessment Roll
Assessor's Office
(607) 655-2025
(607) 655-2027 FAX
Office Hours:
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 8AM - 3PM
There are times I'm out of my office assessing properties. Please call before you come and see me.
Becky A. Herzog-Ottens
Town of Windsor Assessor
124 Main Street
Windsor, NY 13865

Real Property Assessor Becky A. Herzog-Ottens
Email: assessor.tow@gmail.com
Assessment Calendar
Exemption Forms
Grievance Forms
Important Websites
Information on assessment for properties in the Town, such as property tax records, tax maps and property tax exemptions, is available at http://www.gobroomecounty.com/realprop/ or during regular office hours in the Assessor's Office at the Town Hall.
Exemptions: The filing deadline for all exemptions is March 1st of each year. Forms are available below and at www.tax.ny.gov
Partial property tax exemptions are available to property owners in the Town of Windsor who meet certain eligibility requirements. The most common exemptions are described below:
The most common exemption is the Basic STAR exemption, which applies to school taxes and is available to almost all owner occupied residential properties. THIS EXEMPTION WAS RECENTLY CHANGED FROM AN EXEMPTION TO A CREDIT FOR NEW OWNERS APPLYING AFTER MARCH 1, 2015. New owners must apply online at the link below or by phone (518) 457-2036 with the NYS Department of Taxation & Finance.
You can no longer apply for a Basic STAR Exemption with the Assessor.
New Basic STAR Credit https://www.tax.ny.gov/star
This exemption (or credit) need only be applied for once and stays in effect as long as the property remains your primary residence (and income does not exceed $500,000.)
The next most common is the Enhanced STAR exemption, which also applies to school taxes and is available to most Seniors age 65 and over. ( Within the calendar year of turning 65, you must file for the Enhanced STAR before March 1st.) This exemption is more than double the Basic STAR exemption and requires yearly proof that income is below $86,300; see form below.
Next is the Senior Citizens or Aged exemption, which is also available to Seniors age 65 and over (same age limit as Enhanced STAR) and applies to most all property taxes: county, town and school; (but not all special district taxes.) This exemption must be renewed annually to prove income is below $31,499.
The Veteran's exemption is applicable to town, county taxes and the village taxes. Most applicants need only apply once to receive this exemption on a yearly basis. There is a Cold War Veteran's Exemption, which covers most veterans not previously eligible for the Alternative Funds Veteran's Exemption. Veterans who receive an exemption based on a disability are required to submit verification each year, except for those with permanent disability ratings.
Other less common exemptions include agricultural land & buildings, non profit organizations, and low income disability exemptions.
Filing deadline for all exemptions is March 1st of each year. (The STAR tax credit may have a different deadline.) Check at https://www.tax.ny.gov/star
Assessment Calendar
The annual Town assessment calendar is as follows:
- Taxable Status Date: March 1st
(This is the deadline for all exemption applications, splits and combinations.) - Tentative Assessment Roll Filed: May 1st
(This contains the tentative assessments which will become final if the property owner does not file a grievance.) - Grievance Day: Fourth Tuesday in May
(An appointment for Grievance Day will be made when a property owner presents a completed RP-524 form to the Assessor.) - Final Assessment Roll Filed: July 1st
(This contains the final assessments used for school taxes in September and Town and County taxes in January.)
Exemption Forms
Income Verification Program Form
Alternative Veteran's Exemption Form
Alternative Veteran's Exemption Instructions
Cold War Veteran's Exemption Form
Cold War Veteran's Exemption Instructions
Low Income Disability Exemption Form
Low Income Disability Exemption Instructions
Senior Citizen or Aged Exemption Form
Senior Citizen or Aged Exemption Instructions
Grievance Forms
Grievance Form
Grievance Instructions
Important Websites
Broome County Real Property Tax Services