(607) 655-3118
(607) 655-2027 FAX

Office Hours:

Monday thru Thursday 9:00AM - 12:00PM

Code Enforcement / Zoning Officer Richard Osborne

Email: windsorcode@echoes.net

Zoning Permit Fees:

Residence Including Additions/Repairs/Roofs Over Deck and Porches:

Area up to 999 sq. ft.                                                        $50.00

Area of 1000 to 1500 sq. ft.                                            $100.00

Area of 1500 sq. ft or more                                             $150.00

Multiple Dwellings:

Area up to 1500 sq. ft.                                                      $200.00

Area over 1500 sq. ft.                                                       $300.00

Garages Attached or Detached from Main Structure and Pole Barnes:

Decks                                                                                     $25.00

Sheds More Than 144 sq. ft.                                           $25.00

Manufactured Homes:

Area up to 999 sq. ft.                                                        $50.00

Area of 1000 to 1500 sq. ft.                                            $100.00

Area of 1500 sq. ft or more                                             $150.00

Swimming Pools:$25.00

Residence Demolishing Structure:$20.00


All Commercial/Industrial Construction:

Under 1000 sq. ft.                                                                          $100.00

Over 1000 sq. ft.                                                                             $100.00 plus .08 per sq. ft.

Commercial/Industrial Signs Exceeding

10 sq. ft. in Area                                                                            $20.00

Commercial/Industrial Demolition:                                             $50.00

Driveway Permit Application

Noise Permit Application

Building Permit Application

Building Permit Renewal Form

Building Permit Checklist