Phone Numbers
Agency / Office | Phone Number |
2022 New York Municipal Guide Post | |
Broome County 2nd District Legislator Scott Baker | (607) 723-7905 |
Broome County Clerk | (607) 778-2451 |
Broome County DMV (Windsor Mobile Site Thursdays from 9 am – 1 pm) | (607) 778-6513 |
Broome County Finance | (607) 778-2161 |
Broome County Headstart | (607) 772-6810 |
Broome County Office for Aging | (607) 778-2411 |
Broome County Sheriff | (607) 778-1911 |
Division on Addictions | (855) 955-0582 |
H.E.A.P. | (607) 778-8850 |
NYSEG | (800) 572-1111 |
NYSDEC Region 7 | (607) 775-2545 |
NYS Police | (607) 775-1241 |
Windsor Central School District | (607) 655-8216 |
Windsor Post Office | (607) 655-2683 |
Windsor Central School Tax Collector | (607) 655-8218 |
Windsor Town Attorney | (607) 723-9511 |
NOTE: All links open in a separate window and are not associated with the Town of Windsor.
The Town of Windsor is not responsible for the content of other websites.
Broome County Website
Broome County Legislator Scott D. Baker
Broome County Clerk
Broome County Sheriff
New York State Website
New York State Department of Transportation - Region 9 Website
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation - Region 7
New York State Police - Troop "C"
Village of Windsor, NY
Windsor Central School District
Windsor Garden Group
Windsor Partnership
Windsor Youth Sports & Recreation